Region Graph
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World Regions
  Region Hits % Bytes % Sessions Visitors Pages Total Time Errors
1 North America
382,049    52.1%
0    0%
51,022 22,666 216,487 1311:08:05 14,827
2 Europe
213,140    29.1%
0    0%
21,115 12,282 118,093 617:36:19 5,261
80,062    10.9%
0    0%
10,476 5,545 46,055 252:04:23 2,902
4 Oceania
33,739    4.60%
0    0%
4,190 1,675 19,327 147:31:33 981
5 Asia
13,551    1.85%
0    0%
1,602 952 7,391 33:46:00 322
6 South America
9,050    1.23%
0    0%
883 633 4,963 23:45:47 214
7 Africa
787    <1%
0    0%
178 63 443 03:11:15 21
314    <1%
0    0%
26 26 173 13:00 9
9 Unknown
173    <1%
0    0%
27 6 85 13:42 13
42    <1%
0    0%
6 2 16 04:58 1
73,290    10.00%
0    0%
8,952 4,385 41,303 01:36 2,455
10 Totals
732,907    100%
0    0%
89,525 43,850 413,033 2389:35:02 24,551
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Help Card: World Regions
Report Overview This report shows the most popular world regions in which your site visitors are located.

Knowing where large groups of visitors originate may help to tailor your site content and/or structure to better serve these majorities. If visitors from particular world regions are of interest to your organization, yet only represent a small amount of overall traffic, it may highlight a need to more effectively advertise and promote your site to these regions.

Note: All machines on the Internet have a unique IP address ( associated with them. Several machines also have named addresses ( against their IP addresses for ease of use. Many machines do NOT have a name associated with them, and these display as [UNRESOLVED IP] in this report.

If the only entry in this report is [UNRESOLVED IP], then you need to enable DNS Lookups, in Settings > Analysis > Network > DNS.

Graph Description The graph shows different world regions and their associated level of traffic. The colors on the map correspond to the different levels of traffic in the key to the left of the graph.

Table Description Region:
Name of the world region being analyzed.

Hits (%):
Number of hits to the site by all visitors from the corresponding world region. (Percentage as a proportion of hits to the site by all visitors.)

Bytes (%):
Raw bytes transferred as a result of hits to the site by visitors from the corresponding world region. (Percentage as a proportion of bytes transferred as a result of hits by all site visitors.)

Number of sessions undertaken on your web site by visitors from the corresponding world region.

Unique visitors to your web site from the corresponding world region. If a visitor returns to your site more than once during the reporting period, it is not counted in this figure.

Pages viewed by visitors from the corresponding world region.

Total Time:
Total time spent online by all visitors from the corresponding world region.

Errors generated by visitors from the corresponding world region.

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