VROC: Virtual Racers' Online Connection

VROC Formula 2 Club

The racing club for the rest of us

Scheduled races
F2 Series
How to Join


The VROC Formula 2 Club is for racing the Grand Prix Legends Advanced Trainers (aka F2 cars) on VROC.

All drivers are welcome. The focus is on drivers who are just getting started with GPL or online racing. The aim is to create a comfortable, inviting environment where new drivers can learn and find their feet as drivers racing against other human drivers.

Note from Alison

I constantly get email from people intrigued with the idea of racing online but unsure if they are ready to start.

New drivers are the lifeblood of VROC. I want to encourage new drivers and help them get comfortable with online racing.

I love F2! Many experienced racers do too. Racing is generally cleaner and closer than F1 races. Exciting, racelong battles - nose to tail and wheel to wheel - are common.

F2 is great if you're on the steep part of the GPL learning curve. You tend to crash less and can focus more on line and racecraft.

Also, there's no shortage of good setups (see Resources).

Sadly, most F2 series and clubs are full. Most also require a recommendation from a member before you can join.

I believe there's a need for an open F2 club, to give newcomers and experienced F2 drivers alike a place to race.

As people develop skills, I believe the experience they've gained and contacts they've made will help them move into other clubs and series.

What's in a Name?

For licensing reasons, GPL's 270 hp cars are known as Advanced Trainers, but everybody calls them "F2" cars.

See Racing the Trainers for more details about GPL's Trainers.

Experienced drivers are welcome, too! If you're an experienced driver, please join in and help teach the newer drivers by example. If a new driver is open to coaching, please share your expertise.

If you're a world-class driver (ranked on Schubi's Hotlaps page, for example, or running at Pro or Elite level in the GPLWS or SRM Challenge) or you find yourself running alone way out front, please use a slower car. The BRM, Honda, and Cooper are great fun in F2, and their extra weight gives more of a handicap in the F2 cars because all have the same horsepower. Champion drivers know there's no honor in blowing away a newbie. Choosing a car that will help level the playing field will help make the racing more fun for everyone.

This is an open club, which anyone can join. If someone misbehaves, then we'll boot them out. We'll have several administrators with Boss permission who'll lurk on the club's servers. They'll be responsible for making sure no one behaves inappropriately or abusively.

Remember, the aim is learning for the newer drivers, and fun for all!

Scheduled Races

We schedule times when a club member runs a server, and members get together and race informally. Using the club's Calendar facility, we schedule non-points races at specific tracks. Club members also host impromptu races any time they can.

Although eventually we'll start up a series, the informal events will continue.


If you've got a good, fast link to the Internet and can host races, start hosting! Hosting is easy. In WinVROC (formerly known as GPL Spy Boy) or JavaVROC, just click on Host.

When you host, put something to the effect of "VROC F2 Club" in the comment field so other club members will know you're running a club server.

Since this is a club for learning, we suggest you host most races in Novice or Intermediate mode. The more forgiving damage models, and the ability to repair the car, will help keep the frustration factor down as people climb the learning curve.

We don't recommend using a latency cap. If you must set a latency cap, we suggest you use a number in the 800 ms range or higher. GPL 1.2 is quite good at coping with latencies below 1 second, far better than earlier versions. Many good races are had with players running with latencies near 1000 ms.

If you can host at regular times, post a notice on the club's mailing list, so the club's administrators can include you in their schedule. Or post an event on the club's Calendar yourself.

For more information about hosting, see the Bandwidth and Advanced Servers pages.


Typically we meet before and after races in the VROC chat room in WinVROC. This allows us to chat separately from the hordes in the GPL chat in WinVROC.

F2 Series

We eventually plan to run a series for F2 cars. This series will be an entry-level series that will be intended to function as a "feeder" for other series and clubs. The real hotshoes already have a number of series where they can compete; what this club provides is a place where new drivers can come in and play, without feeling like they'll get blown off or get in the way of some superstar driver.

We have in mind a handicap points structure that would allow slower drivers to drive any car, and would restrict successful drivers to the slower cars. This would keep the competition closer, and would also encourage everyone to get experience in all the chassis. And if you win the championship in a BRM, you know you're ready to move up to another series!

How to Join

To join the VROC Formula 2 Club, you need to join a mailing list on eGroups. Simply send an email to:


Or visit the Web site at:


It's free, and you needn't give any personal information if you don't want to.

At the Web site, you'll find a calendar of events, links, a database and data storage vault, and several other useful facilities. You can also adjust your mailing list options; you can have mailing list postings sent to your email inbox, or you can read them on the Web site.

See you at the track!


Here are some resources to get you started with F2.

Many people are intimidated by the F2 cars because they don't know where to get setups for them, or how to create setups themselves. Others don't like the engine sound of the F2 cars in GPL. Still others aren't sure how to go about selecting the F2 cars in GPL or VROC.

Well, there's no longer a reason not to try the F2 cars!

  • General
    • Racing the Trainers - how to race the F2 and F3 cars both online and offline.
    • VROC Help - general information for racing on VROC.
  • Driving
  • Setups and hotlaps
    • The F2 Club Vault - setups by Ron Ayton and others.
    • Steve Smith's F2 Superguide - excellent setups and setup advice.
    • Mike Horton's F2/F3 Hotlaps and Setups - setups by the masters, Ron Ayton (some are the same as those in the Vault, above) and Jake Myers.
    • Riccardo Nunnini's GPL Foolishness - extensive, authoritative advice on driving and on creating setups. This is the "textbook" for developing GPL setups, including superb and very useful tables of information. Also a bunch of excellent links.
    • Eric Cote's Sim Racing Mag - F2 setups by Eric and Robert Gravel. Go to Eric's Links page and look for Setups.
  • Tracks and Utilities
    • The Pits - track converters, new tracks, and utilities.
  • Sounds
    • Alison's Sounds for GPL cars - Alison says "includes an F2/F3 sound which reminds me of the desperate scream of Cosworth BDA's in the Formula Atlantic cars waking me up in the morning at Watkins Glen in the 60's and 70's.
      Also includes several other F2/F3 sounds for GPL. I didn't create any of these sounds, I just selected the ones I liked from many sent to me."
    • Eric Cote's Sim Racing Mag - Ross McGregor's collection of F2/F3 sounds. Go to Eric's Links page and look for Sounds.
    • The Fast Lane's Sounds page - more sounds for GPL, including some other F2/F3 sounds. Graphics enhancements too.
  • Graphics
    • GPLEA Ferrari - gorgeous new graphics for GPL's Ferrari and Brabham. They promise to do all the cars!
  • Track Guides