VROC: Virtual Racers' Online Connection

Internet Weather Report

The Internet Weather Report is a collection of maps depicting latency conditions on the Internet. To generate these reports, thousands of Internet domains worldwide are pinged several times a day, seven days a week. Current and historical data is available.

These maps can help you identify the source of transient problems with latency and quality when racing online, and may also help you choose which GPL servers are likely to provide you with the best racing at any given time. The occurance of an Internet "storm", which can wreak havoc with racing, is readily visible on these maps.

Static Maps

  United Kingdom
East Asia
United States
  San Francisco

 Animated Maps

  United Kingdom
East Asia
United States
  San Francisco

The animated maps are fairly large downloads if you are on an analog modem. The static maps are smaller and will download more quickly.

To make best use of these maps, we suggest you read about latency, counts, and time.

The Internet Weather Reports are provided by Matrix Information and Directory Services, Inc.

Canada, South America, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, Africa, and other locations are not available at this time.