VROC: Virtual Racers' Online Connection


VROC's Voice Chat Room

Now you can talk - audibly, not by typing - with other racing simulation enthusiasts who race GPL on the Internet with VROC! All you need is a free software package, your existing sound card and speakers, and a microphone or headset.

Getting FireTalk

Just click on the button at the right to download the free FireTalk voice chat software (2 mb).

Once you've downloaded the software, launch FireTalk, and create an account.

Joining the VROC FireTalk chat

Once you're into FireTalk, launch FireTalk on the Web (you'll find the Launch button in the lower left of the FireTalk main window). This will open your browser. Simply enter http://vroc.net in that browser window, and you'll be at the VROC FireTalk chat.

If you like, you can change FireTalk's options (Tools/Options/Internet) to go directly to http://vroc.net as soon as you enter FireTalk on the Web. Now you're only a click away!

Welcome aboard!