A thousand thanks to Peter Burke,
our host!
The VROC programs and Web site are copyright
1998-2004 by the authors, Alison Hine, Nate Hine, Larry Holbert, John O'Keefe, Herko ter Horst and Marcel Offermans. No part of this Web site or its supporting
programs may be reproduced without the express written permission
from the authors.
The VROC Web site and its supporting programs were designed
and developed by Nate Hine (see the Hine/Pennington Home Page), Alison Hine (see
Woman and Eagle
Woman's Grand Prix Legends), Larry Holbert (see WinVROC), and John O'Keefe (see The APEX).
John conceived the VROC project and developed the original
core Perl CGI scripts. Alison wrote the Functional Specification,
developed the original Java applet and the HTML pages, and extended
the Perl functionality. Nate assisted with Perl, Java, and HTML
development and debug on the orginial VROC implementation.
VROC 2.0 owes a great deal to WinVROC creator Larry Holbert.
WinVROC has raised VROC's quality to a truly professional level.
WinVROC 2.0 represents an enormous expenditure of time and showcases
Larry's superb programming skills and expertise. Larry also worked
with Alison and Nate on VROC 2.0's data structure and client/server
communication design, developed VROC 2.0's NT-based database,
created some extremely useful development utilities, and supplied
additional crucial code for VROC 2.0.
Nate developed the superb VROC 2.0 applet from a data structure
design and primitive initial applet created by Alison. Nate devoted
an amazing number of hours over six months to a comprehensive
redesign, enhancement, and refinement of this sophisticated multithreaded
applet. Nate also developed much of the original HTML for VROC
2.0, including the comprehensive Help pages and the release notes.
Alison did most of the VROC 2.0 Perl development and did a
considerable amount of testing, including operation from behind
a gateway. Alison also reviewed, reorganized, and finalized the
VROC 2.0 HTML and continues to maintain and update the VROC Web
Special thanks to Perl/sockets/daemon guru Geoff Scully, who
contributed the basics for the VROC 2.0 daemons and some critical
components of the original VROC, and to SQL wizard Nellie Pennington,
without whom VROC would still be limping along on eleven cylinders
(or should that be seven?)
And of course our gratitude goes out to Peter Burke who has
graciously hosted the VROC website (including the all-important WinVROC
downloads) for so many years now.
Our deepest gratitude to the folks at Papyrus, who developed the fantastic racing
simulation, Grand Prix Legends, that gave VROC a reason for being. |